After training to be a businessman, Otto works as a traveling salesperson in Cologne from 1853, and starts to delve into the world of internal combustion engine technology.
#nicolausaugustottoaward #naoa
The engine manufacturer DEUTZ has presented the prestigious Nicolaus August Otto Award for the sixth time. The engine manufacturer’s innovation prize is named for the inventor of the four-stroke engine and founder of the company that would later become DEUTZ AG.
In DEUTZ's anniversary year, the award ceremony took place on May 3, 2024 as part of the celebrations to mark the 160th anniversary of the Cologne-based company.

For 160 years, DEUTZ AG has stood for unsurpassed drive technology, which is why it is one of the world’s leading manufacturers of groundbreaking drive systems today. Founded by the pioneer and coinventor of the four-stroke principle, Nicolaus August Otto, the traditional Cologne-based company has succeeded in constantly reinventing itself and meeting the challenges posed by changing factors with innovative strength.
By awarding the Nicolaus August Otto Award, named after its founder, DEUTZ AG aims to herald a symbolic renaissance of innovation and pioneering spirit. This is why the Nicolaus August Otto Award is awarded for decisive shaping of the future, novel technology, groundbreaking futurology, and for an outstanding lifetime achievement. It is intended to honor visionaries of our time and, endowed with prize money of €30,000, to promote the prize winners’ new, big ideas.
The commendation speech for this year's awardee was given by Jan-Hendrik Mohr, CEO of the CLAAS Group. CLAAS is a family business founded in 1913 and is one of the world's leading manufacturers of agricultural engineering equipment.
The award winner 2024
In its anniversary year, DEUTZ AG presented its coveted innovation award to Prof. Dr. Denise Fischer-Kreer from the Institute for Entrepreneurship at the Faculty of Agriculture at the Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn.
The Nicolaus August Otto Award honors people who ensure that innovation, technological progress and change happen that help everyone move forward. As Professor of Entrepreneurial Behavior, Prof. Dr. Fischer-Kreer does just that.
She teaches the most important skill needed to turn theory into practice: confidence in your own abilities. And entrepreneurship. Because to solve the challenges of our time – especially in agriculture, which is facing a major transformation – we need a new generation of doers: Courageous visionaries who want to bring about changes. And who can deal with setbacks, because they are to be expected if you want to bring about sustainable and lasting change.
Prof. Dr. Fischer-Kreer shares exactelly this drive with Nicolaus August Otto. As a trained businessman, he wanted to change things. To improve them. And he did not stop at the limits of his profession - he went beyond them. He believed in his idea – his development – he looked for partners, founded and built a company that turned the idea, the vision, into a new reality that changed the whole world.